BIO: Karen Justl is an illustrator and graphic designer. She holds an MDes (Masters of Design) from the Ontario College of Art and Design University in Toronto, Ontario. She is a native of Winnipeg, Manitoba where she received her BFA Honors in Painting at The University of Manitoba. She is also an interdisciplinary visual artist researching caricature, facial expression, body language, illustration techniques and Freud's theories of slapstick humour & the uncanny. Her illustrations have been published across Canada in Applied Arts, subTerrain Magazine, Chesterfield, Kiss Machine, Herizons MB, Pilot Project and Crow's Toes. She teaches in the Digital Lab at the Toronto School of Art and in Continuing Studies at OCAD University.

Illustration Noir

On January 23rd, 2013, Toronto School of Art & Toronto Design Offsite Festival presents my installation Illustration Noir.

I have painted sets, cut a video & audio collage for live film noir clothed models in tableau vivant life drawing class! More images to is a link 

This event won the People's Choice Award for best event at the Toronto Design Offsite Festival, presented by Herman Miller!